• anti-detection foil

Military Shielding

What is our Military Shielding Anti-Detection Foil?

Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) detection devices are primarily used in military reconnaissance and intelligence gathering surveys. They use infrared to detect heat sources to aid in the identification of enemy personnel, vehicles, equipment or bunker sites which would be hidden to the naked eye. FLIRmask anti-detection foil can be used to protect equipment, vehicles, bunker sites and personnel – in fact anything that generates an infrared heat signature – from FLIR detection devices.

How does FLIRmask Anti-Detection Foil Work?

The outer aluminium foil layer, backed with the woven inner layer of E-glass combine their individual properties as a heat sink and an insulation material to ensure that the area protected by FLIRmask will only ever read the same as the ambient temperature, thus masking the presence of the protected object to any FLIR detection devices used.
We have tested FLIRmask in the laboratory at temperatures of up to 500⁰C, and the FLIR detection thermal imaging has registered the protected object as the same as the ambient temperature.
By protecting equipment, bunker sites, vehicles and personnel with FLIRmask, any heat signal given off by the protected object will be undetectable by FLIR detection devices. Furthermore, thermal outlines and shapes within the protected perimeter of the FLIRmask anti-detection foil are also completely removed.

Why Choose FLIRmask as your Anti-Detection Foil?

We have tested the capabilities of FLIRmask extensively and in comparison to the leading anti-detection foils and thermal insulating materials on the market, and in all tests FLIRmask outperformed all products in all functions and was the only anti-detection foil to offer complete blackout protection.

NOTE we do not condone the use of this material as an Infrared shield to any non military, illegal or unauthorised activity, the multi-purpose compounds within FLIRmask make it an exceptional solution to many industry sectors and applications if used correctly and for the features specified in our scope of applications.

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